Saturday, May 11, 2013

Shakespeare in the Media

Some people argue that Shakespeare’s image was vandalized with the emergence of modern media adaptations of his work, but I believe that this is a mere paradoxical statement.

YOU NAME IT, WE GOT IT. From newspapers, magazines, films, television and internet, Shakespeare and his work had been adapted in today’s media in all forms. However, not all the adaptations depicted his original work, a lot of the adaptations were depicted  in a humorous  or modernized approach, so that his work can suit today’s atmosphere.
This unique approach has stirred a lot of attention and became a portal for a new audience, that enjoyed and understood Shakespeare's work better with this unique approach. However, Shakespeare’s devotees were not fond of this renovated approach, they preferred the conventional approach that Shakespeare used.

Whether you prefer the conventional or modern approach, BELIEVE ME, there’s something for everyone due to the countless adaptations of Shakespeare's work in today's media, so don’t stress out that you won’t find anything because you’re selective.

I came across two different adaptations of Macbeth, and I thought that I would share them with you. Below are the video excerpts.. enjoy!

1. Macbeth in a conventional approach

2. Macbeth in a modern approach

 Now my question to you: do you prefer Shakespeare's conventional or modern approach? I personally prefer both, but I am more fond of the conventional approach :)

To modernize or not to modernize?


  1. I loved the videos :) It was a good way of comparing the traditional and the modernized versions of Shakespeare :) This was a really good blog and I really enjoyed it :)

  2. I completely agree with you seeing that the media has not, in fact, 'vandalized' Shakespeare. It has made understanding his poetry and plays much easier and more enjoyable! I LOOOVED how you compared the traditional and contemporary versions of Macbeth, it was very insightful! AWESOME JOB!! :) Oh, and i also love how you made your blog short and concise, yet informative! Great entry :D

  3. Dareen! This is your best blog yet. You have included your opinion throughout the blog and that has made it more interesting to read! I also agree with Mai, I loved how you compared the traditional and contemporary versions of Macbeth. It allowed me to visualise how Shakespeare's work has been altered(: It was straight to the point and very informative! Well done :)

  4. A great entry Dareen - I like when you infuse your posts with personal opinion - I really wanted to read more! Well done!
