Sunday, May 5, 2013

Shakespeare's Plays

Greetings fellow bloggers!
I will be discussing a controversial topic today.. Shakespeare’s plays. It’s about time you learn more about Shakespeare’s work from a magnified scope. Get your virtual suitcase ready, we’re flying to London! Yes, you heard me, LONDON.  The question is why?

Well, my Confessions of a Shakespeareaholic  fans, it’s about time you get your first hands-on experience and learn more about Shakespeare’s plays.

The first question you might want to learn about is, what were Shakespeare’s plays like?

Well, Shakespeare was one of the most prolific playwrights. He presented his poems in the most artistic approach. His plays had many flowery language such as, similes, metaphors, alliterations.. which don’t only escape a cliché approach, but use words in other than their literal sense to enhance the way a thought is expressed. Thus Shakespeare created his own stance in the Elizabethan era, that is still kept today. A good example of that would be,  how were still incorporating his works in today’s educational curricula.

Now you might have started wondering, did Shakespeare’s plays focus on one specific genre?
Well how shall I answer that.. really? How can someone so extraordinary stick to one genre in all his plays? Shakespeare’s 38 published plays my friend.. incorporated four different genres ranging from comedies to tragedies to histories, and late romance. Many people argue on which genre generally defines his plays, but the majority agree that  Shakespeare’s most famous plays are tragedies.

On a personal scale, I find Shakespeare’s most popular plays in the tragedies include, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. Following his most popular comedies would include, The Merchant of Venice. Following that, Shakespeare’s most popular histories would have to include, Henry V and Richard III.
That’s my opinion anyways, what do YOU think his most famous plays were?

Shakespeare's 38 plays listed.

Shakespeare’s Plays Today

Shakespeare taught us that love can conquer and destroy, that people trust what they cannot see, and that human ethics are easily manipulated. His plays are a fraction of his array of work that goes beyond the lessons of an English high school subject. The plays he wrote still play a dominant role in entertainment today. He inspired people to pursue literature, to develop different philosophies and notions, and challenge conventional ideals. Shakespeare coined many words we use every day and brought revolutionary ideas to the way literature is written.  Thus it’s pretty ridiculous when we hear controversies if he actually wrote his published plays, because some people believe that it’s impossible for someone with no proper education to write such marvelous plays, well the sad truth is.. he didn't have to be proper educated to create his masterpieces, there is no excuse for being who YOU are!


  1. Dareen, one word AMAZING! This is probably your best blog! You expressed your opinion well, and this made it more enjoyable to read. Well done!

  2. It was short, and to the point, and i like that, it doesn't just go ooonnnn and ooooonnn and ooooonnn and it doesn't want to make me sleep, so well done on that! I also liked how you divided them into questions, so if we're really asking those questions in our heads, we can easily find the answer. GOOD JOB =D

  3. I loved it! a very informative approach, yet you still expressed your opinion :D AWESOME! Good Job!

  4. Another good entry Dareen - I particularly liked that you changed the font colour at different stages - this made the information stand out - well done!
